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Legal basis

The main objectives and directions of activity of the joint stock company "Uzdonmahsulot" are determined by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 6, 2004 "On the transformation of the State Joint Stock Corporation "Uzdonmahsulot" into the joint stock company "Uzdonmahsulot":
ensuring, in accordance with decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the purchase, placement and storage of grain and seeds for state needs;
organization of production and provision of economic sectors and the population of the republic with high-quality varieties of flour, cereals, animal feed, as well as bakery, pasta and confectionery products;
improving the mechanism of relationships between bakery industry enterprises and shirkat and farm enterprises, grain producers, including issues of acceptance, quality assessment and grain accounting, creating a system of effective control over grain quality and its objective assessment;
providing assistance in the modernization and technical re-equipment of enterprises in the bakery products industry, and broadly attracting foreign investment for these purposes;
provision of information services to enterprises and organizations in the bakery products industry, organization of training, retraining and advanced training of their personnel.